Nell’ambito del Progetto in Lingua Inglese per le classi terze della Scuola Secondaria di grado, la docente Prof.ssa Gasparri e la Madrelingua Inglese Rose McHugh hanno affrontato, in sei settimane di scuola, il tema “Gender Equality”, obiettivo n. 5 dell’Agenda 2030.
Riducendo gli stereotipi, l’educazione di genere supporta i ragazzi alla costruzione di una genuina uguaglianza civile, nella quale maschi e femmine vivono relazioni cooperative contraddistinte dal rispetto reciproco.
Come si è svolto il progetto:
I nostri studenti hanno approfondito e riflettuto sull’attualità del tema partendo da una storia simbolo dell’uguaglianza di genere, quella di Billy Eliot di Stephen Daldry.
Le lezioni si sono sviluppate attraverso attività laboratoriali in lingua inglese che includono: watching, listening, comprehension, character and music analysis, written and oral production.
Gli elaborati degli studenti:
Ecco qui alcuni estratti dai loro commenti dei tests scritti dell’attività watching and comprehension dopo la visione dell’ultima scena, in cui Billy è finalmente il primo ballerino dello spettacolo “Il Lago dei Cigni”.
III A Lorenzo M.
This is Billy: he wanted to become a famous dancer and he made his dream come true. For me this is fantastic, because this boy didn’t listen to all the prejudices. His family thought that he was destined to become a boxer but this is not true. Ballet is not just for girls, he became a great ballet dancer!
III A Fiammetta
The music intensifies, the pivotal part is when Billy starts to dance and his father is very proud of his son.
I feel so happy for him and I want to dance with Billy!
III B Dario
….we can see all the dancers getting ready to go on stage: everyone looking excited and happy: they start dancing… and then it’s Billy’s turn … When he enters the stage the music is powerful… he is great and everyone is amazed! Watching this scene I felt a bit nervous because it made me experience a lot of emotions and feelings.
III B Niccolo’ B.
Billy’s dad and brother are going to the theatre to see Billy’s performance. They take their seats. Billy’s Dad looks old, Billy’s brother looks anxious: they are both excited to see Billy dance. Then we see Billy behind the stage, he is ready, and he makes this huge jump: this scene tells us all how much Billy loves dancing.
III A Sofia C.
The classical music from the Swan lake was amazing when I watched the final scene I felt so fascinated and emotional, that I almost cried.
III A Sofia F.
Billy’s father and brother were rushing out the tube, the don’t want to be late for the show….
When finally Billy began dancing, his father felt amazed and very proud. I also was amazed and very moved. I literally felt shivers down my spine. I was so proud of how Billy achieved!
Leggi di più!
Per scoprire tutti i progetti di lingua inglese della Scuola dei Salesiani di Firenze, leggi il nostro articolo sull’argomento che trovi qui!